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I am an actor/writer/producer who creates excellence thru play! No matter what project or in what capacity, I always strive to honor two values: playfulness and excellence.

I just celebrated the 15th anniversary of my production company, Monkey Kingdom Productions, where I've produced and acted-in two features: award-winning psychological thriller Tumbling After and mockumentary Con Artists. I also created, starred in and produced several successful web-comedies, four seasons of Shelf Life, four seasons of travel docu-comedy Up Up & Away, and one season of heartfelt comedy Whatta Lark. For TV & Film you may have caught me on-screen on Scandal, Hawaii Five-0, Castle, and even in the Halle Berry movie The Call.

Together with my husband, Yuri, I wrote the best-selling award-winning book, Voice-Over Voice Actor and subsequent VOVA: The Extended Edition which we published through our publishing company, Bug Bot Press. I’ve also written children’s bedtime book Relax Your Toes and interactive journal of a traveling Romani girl Zartana. We have also given a TEDx Talk on Storytelling. My first YA Novel is currently with a publishing house and looking forward to a spring release.

A student of life, I have traveled the globe and am an avid reader and supporter of science. I also have a degree in hypnotherapy and therapeutic imagery facilitation as well as a certification in feng shui consultation. I practice yoga and qigong.

But my career isn’t about the achievements; it’s about exploring your imagination and utilizing your creativity. One of my favorite things about acting is discovering our own sense of wonderment. Imagination thru the creative process is how I get to say YES to play.

What I bring to the game is unique, since I strive to learn and grow with every opportunity. Everyone I come into contact with gets to experience a high level of excellence thru playful adventure. And as a bonus, if I could wear costumes or disguises in alternate realities or time periods all the time when I work, I'd be living my bliss!


Copyright 2015. Tara Platt. All rights reserved.