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Tara Platt has published 5 books…with more in the works!

It all started a over a decade ago when actress Tara Platt convinced husband and fellow actor Yuri Lowenthal that there was a need for a book about their field of expertise: voice-over. The two whipped up Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It’s Like Behind the Mic and then created their own publishing company Bug Bot Press to release the title. The book won a Pinnacle Book Award and a National Indie Excellence Award and has sold over 30k copies world-wide with a number of re-prints. For the 10th anniversary of their best-seller, the two crafted an updated version, Voice-Over Voice Actor: The Extended Edition and added a workbook as well as a warm-up cd. The book is an Amazon Best Seller in Acting/Auditioning and is available in print, ebook and audiobook as read by the authors.

Tara then went on to write Relax Your Toes a children’s book that uses therapeutic text and images to help children sleep. Platt pulled from her experiences as a certified hypnotherapist, to craft an engaging rhyming story to get kids get comfy and relaxed at bedtime.

Platt also delved into an adventurous story with Zartana, an interactive illustrated journal chronicling a year in the life of traveling Romani girl, Zartana, at the turn of the century over a hundred years ago. Beautifully illustrated and designed by artists come from around the world, the book chronicles a year in the life of a traveling Romani girl named Zartanta and engages you in her daily activities. The story, told in the style of a found journal, is interactive and the pages are filled with amazing art, much of which can be taken out and appreciated, for example recipe, herb cards, tarot cards and maps.

Tara’s first novel, YA title Prep School for Serial Killers is a dark dystopian coming of age story available in print/ebook and audiobook as read by Platt. In a war ravaged future, a boarding school cloisters and trains sociopathic children. When top student Anathema Blight finds a graduate’s hidden journal, she wonders if they’re simply students, or pawns in a much more dangerous game and the final exam will be murder...

To follow Tara’s adventures as an author, check her out on social media or visit her Amazon author page.